Chuck ‘Winterheart’ Reddick

Chuck Reddick passed away on September, 26th 2011 due to heart complications. For many years Chuck was a beloved close friend to us here at Black Arrow, and we miss him dearly. All of the pieces in his collection at Black Arrow are the last of his fabulous artifact reproductions and will now always be a special reminder of the amazing artist and man "Chuck Winterheart Reddick".

Chuck Reddick, who had also created traditional dance regalia for Native Americans, began his artistry path with a car accident in the Dakotas over thirty years ago. He spent his recovery on a Lakota Sioux reservation and it was there he learned the Plains Indian culture and the techniques for making the traditional shirts and other items.

Chuck Reddick meticulously created each piece using only traditional methods and materials. His dyes were from plants and minerals such as red from prickly pear juice, yellow from Mormon tea and purple from sweetgrass. Many of his beads were antique trade beads.

Chuck Reddick had been involved with pre-1840s historical re-enactment of the fur trade era for fifteen years and was a member of one of the oldest black powder clubs in the United States. In 1993, the artist was the first in the nation to organize an authentic powwow/rendezvous with 25 Native Americans and 25 mountain men. Three dance drums and thirty-six singers entertained over 4000 visitors to the encampment of 25 tipis and an authentic mountain-man camp.

Chuck Reddick also brought his unique skills and knowledge to Head Start as a special education teacher, offering demonstrations of living history to over 7,000 students.

Interested in Chuck ‘Winterheart’ Reddick's work?

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